Package io. data2viz. charts. chart. mark. internal
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class FillDelegate<DOMAIN>(dataset: Dataset<DOMAIN>, markConfig: MarkConfig) : HasFill<DOMAIN>
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(INTERNAL) Configure & use the Dimension used to translate an element from the dataset into a color.
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class LabelDelegate<DOMAIN>(dataset: Dataset<DOMAIN>, markConfig: MarkConfig) : HasLabel<DOMAIN>
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(INTERNAL) Configure & use the Dimension used to translate an element from the dataset into a Label.
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class SizeDelegate<DOMAIN>(dataset: Dataset<DOMAIN>, markConfig: MarkConfig) : HasSize<DOMAIN>
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(INTERNAL) Configure & use the Dimension used to translate an element from the dataset into a size.
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class StrokeColorDelegate<DOMAIN>(dataset: Dataset<DOMAIN>, markConfig: MarkConfig) : HasStrokeColor<DOMAIN>
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(INTERNAL) Configure & use the Dimension used to translate an element from the dataset into a color.
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class StrokeLineDelegate<DOMAIN>(dataset: Dataset<DOMAIN>, markConfig: MarkConfig) : HasStrokeLine<DOMAIN>
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(INTERNAL) Configure & use the Dimension used to translate an element from the dataset into a line dash style.
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class StrokeWidthDelegate<DOMAIN>(dataset: Dataset<DOMAIN>, markConfig: MarkConfig) : HasStrokeWidth<DOMAIN>
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(INTERNAL) Configure & use the Dimension used to translate an element from the dataset into a stroke thickness.
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class SymbolDelegate<DOMAIN>(dataset: Dataset<DOMAIN>, markConfig: MarkConfig) : HasSymbol<DOMAIN>
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(INTERNAL) Configure & use the Dimension used to translate an element from the dataset into a Symbols.
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fun DrawingZone.drawLine(points: List<LinePoint>, curve: PathDrawer, joinMissingValues: Boolean)
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