Getting started

New to Charts-kt? Or to Kotlin Multiplatform development in general?

You came to the right place: read this material to quickly get up and running.

In the following tutorials, you'll find step-by-step explanations to start a project on your targeted platform: Android, JavaFx, and Browser.

Build a charting application from scratch on Android

  1. Setup the project

Build a charting application from scratch on Kotlin JS

  1. Setup the project
  2. Create your first chart with your data
  3. Manage events and callbacks
  4. Synchronize multiple charts

Build a charting application from scratch on JavaFX

  1. Setup the project
  2. Create your first chart with your data
  3. Manage events and callbacks
  4. Synchronize multiple charts

Try the API with our online playground

If you want to test the API and the rendering of Charts-kt, you can use our website.

All Charts-kt source code examples can be found here.

Basic charts

Charts-kt concepts

Binding, callback and external UI

Advanced techniques